Month: May 2014

Episode 9: Nonverbal Communication

Episode 9

This week, I’m delighted to be joined by Andrew Mulligan who is an expert in body language (or more correctly, Non Verbal Communication/NVC). Andrew studied Career coaching in DIT and is Managing Director of Irish Career Resolutions Ltd who specialise in provide confidential, personalised career coaching service.


Andrew Mulligan, Managing Director of Irish Career Resolutions Ltd


Andrew has also sent me some useful images* for you before attending interview:

*(with thanks to the creators, Tarleton)

Episode 8: The Law and Recruitment

Episode 8

In this episode, I am very pleased to interview Claire Michelle Smyth LL.M, lecturer in Dublin City University, Griffith College and Boston University about why Ireland is a great place to work because of the many legal protections in Ireland for workers, with particular focus on the recruitment process. I hope you enjoy it.

Claire Michelle Smyth LL.M

Claire Michelle Smyth LL.M